Thursday, March 26, 2015

Being a No Husband

When it comes to the word "no", we find that it's said and heard thousands of times each and every day. But when it comes to our families and marriages, do we as men say it enough or too much?

Let's explore:  no means no right? Well yes and no. It is both positive and negative. How many times have you told the kids no? I had to put my foot down tonight about grades and sports and "no" came up quite often. Depending upon your point of view it could have been positive or negative. My kids will have to write their own article to explain their view. But saying 'no' to the kids is otherworldly different than saying 'no' to your wife, right?

What I'm really talking about is this:  how many times do we as men/husbands say 'yes' to all the other responsibilities and distractions in our lives and consequently say 'no' to the number one thing that our wives crave?  How many times do we agree to do this with someone else, do that on this date on that side of town away from our mates or say 'yes' to our jobs, computers, cell phones, home-boys and the like when our wives are standing there and hearing 'no' to them?

It's time for us husbands to say 'NO' to ALL the things, people, distractions and circumstances that take us away from saying 'YES' to TIME with our wives.  They deserve our 'yes'.  Don't you think?

- Hub

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The REAL Husband - a Definition for Us All

What is a Happy Husband anyway?  As I thought about what to say in this first post, the emotion that kept sticking with me is .. 'easy'.  That may or may not be an emotion, by the way, but I think if you are reading this - you get the point.  Us men, are, for the lack of better wording - easy.  We love easy.

That's not to say we don't like challenges or TO challenge ourselves.  Quite the opposite.  What makes us easy is that we are solution-focused.  Wouldn't you agree?  'How', 'what', 'where' and 'who' are the words we use to begin our questions in any situation ... quite the opposite of our beautiful wives who love the word 'why'.  But back to the first question I posed in this blog.
What is a Happy Husband?

The dictionary defines a husband as:  a married man considered in relation to his spouse. Or, one site says:  a male partner in a marriage.  'Happy' is defined as this:  feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.  Putting those definitions together yields this - a male partner in a marriage who shows pleasure or contentment.  Wow!  Does that define how you feel?  Or felt at one point?  If you do(did) at any point in your marriage, what does that mean to you? Time to dig deep fellas.  It's time to find out how to get that feeling of happiness on a consistent basis.  Time for our wives to see us in a way where 'being happy' is our norm.  Yes we have to do all those things in the graphic I posted to begin this article and sometimes more, but our happiness as men in our marriages is just as important as our wives'.

It's time for us to speak up and candidly about how to do that.  That's what this blog is about.  Welcome to the Happy Husband's Blog.

- Hub